Northeast Kingdom “Grow Your Own” Pathways

VREC is working in a partnership with the Vt. Agency of Education,
Vt. Department of Labor and Vt. National Education Association to develop "grow your own pathways for individuals to become licensed teachers in the Northeast Kingdom. Our overall goals are to:

  • To recruit and develop high quality teachers from high schools, career centers, and Vermont institutions of higher education.

  • To retain and support high quality teachers through continued professional development and professional learning networks.

  • Be responsive to the field by developing innovative solutions to meet the needs of schools while meeting the needs and interest of potential new teachers.

  • Increase diversity of the teaching workforce by providing opportunities for historically marginalized groups to enter career pathways.

We are pleased to announce the establishment of Vermont's first registered apprenticeship program for teacher licensure. We have 29 apprentices across seven SU/SDs enrolled in the "RAP." For more information visit the Vermont Teacher Apprentice website.

Overview of the Four NEK GYO Pathways

The intent of a NEK GYO is not just to supplement existing pathways, but to leverage clinical field experience and intensive supports so that newly licensed teachers are more and better prepared.  We seek to increase the rigor of preparation while eliminating financial, access and regulatory barriers that often make it unattractive, difficult or impossible for individuals to pursue a career in education.

Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Post-Baccalaureate RAP:  VREC has worked with the Vermont Agency of Education, Department of Labor and our regional SU/SDs to provide a registered apprenticeship program for those who currently have a Bachelor’s Degree. 

BA “Earn & Learn” RAP:  VREC is working on identifying potential partners in higher education to provide non-traditional opportunities for school employees to earn a BA while obtaining competencies for teacher licensure through their employment. 

Post-Baccalaureate Rural Residency:  VREC is committed to Developing  a “rural residency” model where individuals are able to obtain a Master’s Degree and license within one year paid intern/apprenticeship while they are employed in one or more schools to gain experience.

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Higher Education Educator Preparation Programs

Interested in post-secondary opportunities in Vermont to pursue a career in education?  Click the logo to look at each education program.

NEK Next Gen Teachers

The VREC NEK Next Gen Teacher initiative is dedicated to promoting careers in the field of education for high school and college students from our region. 

Activities include:

  • High schools & CTE centers across the region collaborate through an established network to promote careers in education for secondary students.  

  • Recruitment & encouragement through regular meetings 

  • Coordinated work-based learning, independent study and early college opportunities

  • Outreach to Vermont Educator Prep Programs to add additional supports to undergrads

  • One-day workshop on Careers in Education planned for the fall of 2024

Financial Supports

Funding for higher education and non-degree programs can often be the most challenging aspect to pursuing a career in education.  Thankfully, there are a wide range of resources available to those interested in becoming a teacher.  We have compiled some information to assist you in identifying which resources may be best suited for your particular pathway.  

The Vermont Student Assistance Corporation provides a number of avenues that support post-secondary learning and some specific to careers in education.

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If you have questions about NEK GYO Pathways, contact VREC’s Executive Director, John Castle, at

GrowVT-ED Academy

Grow VT-ED Peer Review Portfolio Pathway

The Grow VT-ED Academy provides support for those on emergency or provisional licenses to achieve their level one educators license through the the peer review portfolio process

If you are interested in joining or learning more about GrowVT-Ed, schedule a meeting with Juliette Longchamp.

You can sign up for GrowVT-ED here.  Castleton Registration will happen in October. 

Vermont Teacher Licensing Requirements

Becoming a teacher in a Vermont public school requires a teaching license issued by the Vermont Agency of Education (VT-AOE).  The Vermont Standards Board for Professional Educators (VSBPE) issues the rules governing teaching licensure in our state.

A license has two parts: 

  • The license itself, which makes you a professional teacher. 

  • The endorsement(s), or areas of specialization you can teach (for example middle school science, or K-12 Art). 

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