Northeast Kingdom “Grow Your Own” Pathways
Registered Apprenticeship Programs
Post-Baccalaureate RAP
VREC has worked with the Vermont Agency of Education, Department of Labor and our regional SU/SDs to provide a registered apprenticeship program for those who currently have a Bachelor’s Degree. Ideal candidates are those employed as a teacher under a provisional or emergency license. Apprentices will need to complete 2000 hours of direct work experience and 144 hours of supplemental instruction. Interested candidates should speak with their building principal or superintendent.
BA “Earn & Learn” RAP
VREC is working on identifying potential partners in higher education to provide non-traditional opportunities for school employees to earn a BA while obtaining competencies for teacher licensure through their employment. Instructional Assistants, para-educators, permanent subs and others who would have the opportunity to engage in planning, instruction and assessment practices will be ideal candidates for this “earn and learn” approach. We hope to establish this pathway beginning the fall of 2024.
Post-Baccalaureate Rural Residency
VREC is committed to Developing a “rural residency” model where individuals are able to obtain a Master’s Degree and license within one year paid intern/apprenticeship while they are employed in one or more schools to gain experience.
If you have questions about Registered Apprenticeship Programs, contact VREC’s Executive Director, John Castle.