VREC Place-Based Learning Innovation Grants
The Vermont Rural Education Collaborative (VREC) is committed to supporting student-centered, placed-based learning that promotes civic engagement and democratic values. VREC has a long standing practice of supporting place-based learning and innovation through our student-led mini grant program. It is in this tradition that we now look to provide additional opportunities for teachers to develop and implement innovative practices related to place-based learning.
Thanks to the generous support of the Rowand Foundation New Teacher Fund, VREC will offer up to four (4) Educator-Led Place-Based Learning Innovation Grants to successful applicants from prek-12 VREC member schools or SU/SDs. Educators can use $2000 to explore and create something new, or expand upon prior learning design and activities. $500 will be provided as an honorarium upon project completion and submission of a final grant summary and presentation (described further below).
Design focus/elements:
Design for Learning Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment
Grant Amount:
Grants of up to $2500 will be awarded. $2000 dedicated for the project and $500 of which is considered an honorarium
Application Timeline:
Applications Open: January 24
Intent to Apply Notice: February 3
Applications Due: March 10
Award Announced: April 4
Application Process:
Projects should involve supporting integration of place-based, community-based, and/or deeper learning into curriculum, instruction, and/or assessment so that students gain a better understanding and greater appreciation of their place and role as a citizen within the various communities they belong to (family, school, town, state, etc.). Similar to our Student-Led Mini Grant process, this could be achieved through actual classroom projects that address a community need, but is not required.
Proposals should include the following:
A problem of practice or promising practice to be addressed within a local context and/or focus of action research/inquiry
Professional learning goal
Student learning goal (e.g., learner-centered, inquiry-based, interdisciplinary)
Evidence of community as classroom and/or Democracy in the classroom
Timeline of project (for exploration & implementation)
Any deliverables, products and/or summaries/presentation for sharing with the field
Applications must include a short letter from their school principal acknowledging their support of the proposed project.
Application process requirements
For applications to be considered, all applicants must:
indicate the intent to apply by February 3 via
participate in a brief “pitch” via Zoom to discuss their proposed project and receive feedback before final submission; and
submit applications by Friday, March 10, by 4:00 PM
Pre-K through grade 12 educators within VREC schools or SU/SD central offices are eligible to apply. Groups of up to three are eligible to apply for a grant at the same level of funding.
Participant Expectations:
We look forward to supporting participants throughout the year and sharing their stories and final outcomes across Vermont. All participants will be expected to:
Attend and present at the annual Rowland Foundation Conference in the Fall of 2025 to share their project design and initial activities.
5-person workshop where recipients present their proposals and plans
Format: Boom Session - 8 min. Micro-presentation with facilitation from VREC
Participate in a mid-year cohort “check-in” held virtually.
Complete projects by June 15, 2026 and provide a “presentation of learning” to their school community (ie. School Board, School Celebration of Learning, School or SU/SD Inservice)
Participants will provide a one-page project summary/report by July 1, 2026
Grant Awards:
Awardees will receive $2000 by July 15, 2025 to be used to conduct their project. A $500 honorarium will be provided at the completion of all grant expectations in July 2026
Grant Timeline:
Applicants are asked to propose a Place-Based Education project that will be completed by June 15, 2026.