Field Notes

VREC is committed to our goal of advocacy that includes sharing a positive narrative of our rural schools, in the spirit of our mission to inspire school communities to learn, share and thrive.

See below our FIELD NOTES: stories of the amazing people and programs enriching our school communities.


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Student Centered Learning & Passion Projects at Blue Mountain Union
Field Notes caroline matte Field Notes caroline matte

Student Centered Learning & Passion Projects at Blue Mountain Union

When navigating the pedagogy of student-centered learning the differences of strategy, approach and opinion may be disorienting. That is where an experienced educator and leader is a boon for students, staff, and communities. Emilie Kinsley is one such experienced educator. Emilie has worked in the region for close to two decades. In that time Emilie has taught English, been principal of the grades school, a classroom teacher - left the school system for some time - and returned as principal of the middle & high school at Blue Mountain Union (BMU). Grounded in these experiences Emilie effectively engages students who are enrolled in the Senior Capstone Seminar – a class that is framed as Personalized Learning or Student-Centered Learning. It is Emilie’s insightful and intuitive understanding of the families and students within the BMU region that makes this program so successful in this rural community.

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Windows & Mirrors: Reflecting on Community (Cabot Community School)
Field Notes John Castle Field Notes John Castle

Windows & Mirrors: Reflecting on Community (Cabot Community School)

For anyone who lives, works, or plays in the NEK Cabot’s reputation as a close-knit community is well known. Like many rural communities in our region, Cabot is a community of people that care about and for each other. It is a community where adults model civic engagement – at town meeting, in its structures of government, through volunteerism, and within the business community: the hardware store is also a popular gathering place where in addition to picking up your Saturday project materials you can also catch some great local music, grab some locally sourced food and a local brew to go with it.

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Small School: The Heartbeat of the Community
Field Notes John Castle Field Notes John Castle

Small School: The Heartbeat of the Community

For anyone who lives, works, or plays in the NEK Cabot’s reputation as a close-knit community is well known. Like many rural communities in our region, Cabot is a community of people that care about and for each other. It is a community where adults model civic engagement – at town meeting, in its structures of government, through volunteerism, and within the business community: the hardware store is also a popular gathering place where in addition to picking up your Saturday project materials you can also catch some great local music, grab some locally sourced food and a local brew to go with it.

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Canaan Memorial School: The Power of 1!
Field Notes John Castle Field Notes John Castle

Canaan Memorial School: The Power of 1!

Canaan Memorial School is like many rural schools: a mix of relationships between students, staff, parents, family, community services, nonprofits, and social organizations, and volunteers, and the municipal offices, and the town library, and the town celebration committee, and local businesses, and, and, and, and, and…. It is through these many interconnected relationships that a school becomes a hub of the community. It is through these relationships that a school is a community school. It is true that community schools seek to foster the educational opportunities beyond the walls of the school and expand experiential learning for students; it is also true that the programs and opportunities that arise in the community school do so from the unique needs and assets within a community.

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